FAS Business Services (FBS) staff are huge supporters of efficiency, innovation, and collaboration. The three come together in a project that started in Fall 2022: UT Works.
UT Works is the new system currently in development to replace FAMIS and WORQS, along with their associated business processes. Some members of the FBS team are already involved in this transformative program, while others might have only heard the name or are just hearing about it for the first time. The UT Works Program will be sharing an update in the coming weeks. If you would like to learn more, subscribe to the UT Works Newsletter or email your questions to utworks@austin.utexas.edu.
Many FBS staff contribute to this project, especially TRecs Associate Director Liz Keene. Liz is a member of the UT Works Organizational Readiness Team, which is a key part of making sure the project is a success! Other contributors include the Business Leads and members of the Transformation and Communication Networks, as well as Subject Matter Experts (SMEs).
Business Leads
- Andi Ault
- Liz Keene
- Marcus Grimes
Additional SMEs
- Vianey Borrego
- Stephanie Dussault
- Mandy Henry
- Rich Janes
- Jenny Nedroscik
- Chrystal Riley
Communications Network
- Mary Kemp
- Teresa Rodriguez
Transformation Network
- Leticia Amaro
- Kara Gray
- Luis Hernandez
- Guadalupe Villarreal-Rios
- Jon Williams (also SME)
Mary Kemp